Warehouse in Wolverhampton

A Warehouse in Wolverhampton was purchased for Β£470,000 in 2021. Our team conducted a review of the property and discovered Β£70,500 in unclaimed Capital Allowances.

Capital Allowance claim for a spacious Warehouse in Wolverhampton.

The Property

In 2021, a commercial property investor sought the expertise of HMA Tax for a warehouse acquisition in Wolverhampton. The property, purchased for Β£470,000, required our specialised attention to ensure no potential Capital Allowances were left unclaimed.

Annual Investment Allowances (AIAs)

Our experts at HMA Tax navigated the complexities of the Annual Investment Allowances (AIAs) landscape, guaranteeing that the client fully exploited the available tax relief. Considering the property’s eligibility for AIAs and adhering to the latest legislation, we optimized the claim process, resulting in the identification of Β£70,500 in unclaimed Capital Allowances.

Our Approach

Our team conducted a review of the property’s purchase and associated costs. Despite the owner’s initial belief that all allowances had been claimed, our analysis revealed that a significant portion of eligible Capital Allowances remained unutilised.

Identifying Β£70,500 in unclaimed allowances (15% of the purchase price), our team compiled a comprehensive report outlining the qualified assets and their respective values. We collaborated with the owner’s accountants, ensuring seamless integration of our findings into their tax strategy.

Thanks to our approach and attention to detail, the warehouse owner successfully secured Β£70,500 in unclaimed Capital Allowances, translating into a substantial tax saving of over Β£14,000.